Sunday, August 29, 2010

Quality Children's Book: Child of Faerie by Jane Yolen & Jane Dyer

A book I've had on my list to read to my children for awhile now was Child of Faerie, Child of Earth. I finally got it!  I just finished reading it to my five-year-old and she asked me to read it again to her!

This was a really sweet book. Great illustrations. It's a quality book to have on a bookshelf.

Quality Children's Book: Child of Faerie by Jane Yolen & Jane Dyer


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pirates Don't Wear Sunglasses

I'm online shopping for Christmas presents for my kids and I want to add books to each of their lists. I came across this cute book called Pirates Don't Wear Pink Sunglasses for ages 9 - 12 (by Scholastic). I can't imagine Johnny Depp stepping out in full pirate gear in women's sunglasses but maybe that's just me not wanting to destroy my own personal pirate fantasy with a very talented, and very attractive actor. This book looks like it'd be a cute kids' book.

I know for sure one book that is definitely on my son's school list. It's called Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dog Days. The series is a favorite of his.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Great Book about Bio-Iodentical Hormones!

I just read The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones by Dr. Michael E. Platt, M.D. I had the flu and needed to stay still (moving hurt my stomach) so I read this book I'd checked out of the library a few weeks earlier in only a few hours while recovering. It was very interesting reading. This is a book I'd like to buy and have on my bookshelf.

It covers fatigue, hot flashes, ADHD, ADD, fibromyalgia, PMS, osteoporosis, weight, sexual dysfunction, anger, migraines, restless leg syndrome and more.

He has many patient stories in the book and how they couldn't get relief for their symptoms for years and with some simple changes, he had them feeling good again. He talks about the pharmaceutical companies, FDA, and why doctors don't seem to listen to patients anymore.

If you are interested in learning more about how hormones affect you and how to get them balanced with natural hormones, you can definitely get some good ideas from this book.

It talks a lot about progesterone benefits, DHEA, and thyroid (and more). It also talks about the danger of giving estrogen when it isn't needed (cancer causing). My family doctor tried to give me estrogen when I was 36 years old! It made me so sick I stopped it soon after starting. I didn't need estrogen, but she didn't know how to help me because she hadn't been taught how to treat the actual problem. She knew how to prescribe this drug for this symptom and this drug for this symptom. I want the PROBLEM fixed so I don't need pharmaceutical drugs that mask the symptoms.

I wish Dr. Platt was nearby. I'd make an appointment so I'd have some hope of feeling like myself again. Here is his web site.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Your Family Consitution

If you are looking for clarity, consistency, and commitment in your family, you should read the book, Your Family Constitution. It's a family guide book for those families who are struggling with finding time, finding patience, and just finding the joy that families should be experiencing in a world that is over-scheduled and where family values seem to be taking a backseat to other things. Become emotionally available to your family, get your out of control home life back in control again, and figure out what you want to pass onto your kids in terms of values and ethics (and what you don't).

Click on the photo and it will take you to Amazon to purchase it if you would like to.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Prefer Happy Endings

I read a lot of paranormal thriller books that have a romance in them. My Shelfari book list shows almost 600 books that I've read, many of them with some sort of romantic twist to them.

I don't like books that have a bad ending. I like happy endings when I read. Maybe that's not realistic but when I'm reading, I'm not really looking for reality. I read to get away from reality for awhile.

I also like happy endings in movies too. Nothing irritates me more than watching a movie only to have it end in a depressing way. The main characters (in books or movies) don't have to be picking out bridesmaid gifts or anything like that but they do have to come out above the bad guy in the end and be together.

I guess that means I don't read a lot of non-fiction!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Role Play

Many adults have found on the Internet, the world of RPG (role playing games). They also have books, which I didn't know about. If you like this world, Palladium Books, may interest you.

I'm not into RPG myself. I just don't have the time to even think about any other role but as mom right now to my four kids. They've kept me so busy this summer that I'm looking forward to the start of school. Does that make me bad?

I actually ran across this site when I was looking up the definition of "palladium" for palladium rings. Seeing how I have a blog for books, I thought I'd post about it here since RPG is popular with a lot of people.


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